The midterm will take place in Campbell Hall from 11:00am -12:15pm (PST) on Thursday, November 2. Please bring a #2 pencil to class.
The midterm will cover the first five weeks of the course (i.e. the first 9 lectures and the first 5 reading and film assignments).
There are no readings this week.
Lectures will be shown from 11:00am -12:15pm on Tuesday & Thursday in Campbell Hall. Lectures start promptly at 11:00am and run for the entire period. Attendance will be taken via iClicker.
The Prezi for the lecture is below for your reference.
Here is the PDF of the lecture notes (i.e. the Prezi material) for Lecture #9.
Please watch either the documentary Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things or the alternative films listed below according to these guidelines:
1) If you have not seen Minimalism, please watch it. It is available for viewing on GauchoSpace (GauchoCast). If you are not enrolled in the class, it currently streams from Netflix, as well as can be rented for a relatively modest fee from YouTube, Amazon, Google, etc.
2) If you have already seen Minimalism, please instead watch both of these two short films on Youtube: Visualizing a Plenitude Economy and The High Price of Materialism.
3) Since we will be considering each of them in class, feel free to watch all the videos.
After watching one of the above films, please watch and comment on Ken’s video on YouTube introducing them.
Note that, while you can watch this video on this page, you need to go to YouTube to comment in the YouTube comment section.
Also note that while Ken’s introduction covers all of the above films, you only need to comment on the film that you watched. However, if you have already watched Minimalism, please feel free to reference it in your comment.
Please note that your YouTube comments on Ken’s short lectures on the films need to be completed by 6 AM on Monday, November 6.
Lecture #9
Weekly Documentary Introduction
Lecture Prezi