Final Exam
The final exam will take place in Campbell Hall from 11:00am -12:15pm (PST) on December 7. Please bring a #2 pencil to class.
The final exam will not be cumulative; rather, it will just cover the last five weeks of the course (i.e. the final 9 lectures and the last 5 reading and film assignments).
Silent Spring, Chapter 17. (Note that Silent Spring is not in the Course Reader. You need to get a copy on your own.)
Lectures will be shown from 11:00am -12:15pm on Tuesday & Thursday in Campbell Hall. Lectures start promptly at 11:00am and run for the entire period. Attendance will be taken via iClicker.
The Prezi for the lecture is below for your reference.
Here is the PDF of the lecture notes (i.e. the Prezi material) for Lecture #17.
Please watch the documentary Capital in the Twenty-First Century. It is available on GauchoCast.
Film assignment: after watching Capital, please watch Ken’s video on YouTube introducing it and comment on his video.
Please note that your YouTube comments on Ken’s short lectures on the films need to be completed by 6 AM on Monday, December 11.
Note: the below lecture IS NOT the lecture for the 2023-24 course. New videos will be uploaded shortly after the lectures are given during the Fall 2023 quarter.
Lecture #17
Weekly Documentary Introduction
Lecture Prezi