Week #8
Weekly Assignments
Lecture #14, Monday, May 20, David Pellow is the Dehlsen Chair and Professor of Environmental Studies and Director of the Global Environmental Justice Project at UCSB.
Watch as a video / Listen to as an audio podcast
Lecture #15, Wednesday, May 22, Naomi Oreskes is a professor of the History of Science, as well as author of Merchants of Doubt, Why Trust Science? and The Big Myth.
Watch as a video / Listen to as an audio podcast
This week’s reading is the chapter on “Climate Change” (Chapter 1 by Ram Veerabhadran) from the book Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions, which is a University of California publication. Note that, while the link is to a PDF of the entire book, you are only required to read Chapter 1.
Please also watch Ken’s video introducing this reading:
After 1) completing the reading and 2) watching Ken’s short video above, please make your weekly reading comment in Canvas.
The East (streams from Gauchocast).
Content warning: The East is a disturbing film. It depicts an imaginary group of violent extremists. If you find this subject troubling and would prefer not to watch a film that deals with it, that is absolutely fine. Please instead watch and comment on the film Walk With Me, which is about life in the monastery where Sister True Dedication lives and which is also up on Gauchocast. The film does not directly deal with the climate crisis. However, if everyone on the planet lived in this way, there would be no climate crisis.
Please also watch Ken’s video introducing this film:
After 1) watching the film and 2) watching Ken’s short video above, please make your weekly film comment in Canvas.
Comment Deadline
Please note that you must make your two weekly YouTube comments by 6am (PST) on Monday, May 29 to receive full credit. Details on the commenting process can be found on the main syllabus page.
Where did Ken record this week’s videos?