Week #3





The Myth of Gilgamesh & A Forest’s Journey by John Perlin (both are in the Course Reader).

Lecture videos:

Please watch both Lecture #1 and Lecture #2 below.

If you will be out of Internet access, you can download these videos on Vimeo: Lecture #5, Lecture #6.

If YouTube is blocked in your country, the two lectures have also been uploaded to GauchoSpace (GauchoCast).

The Prezi for the lectures is also below for your reference.

PDFs are also available for the lecture notes (i.e. the Prezi material) for Lecture #5 and Lecture #6, as are PDFs of the transcripts for Lecture #5 and Lecture #6.

(If you are confused about the role of the Prezi or PDFs in the course, or how to use them, please watch the “Introduction, Format” lecture located on the Introduction page.)


Please watch either the documentary Merchants Of Doubt or A Climate of Doubt according to these guidelines:

1) If you have not seen Merchants Of Doubt, please watch it. It is available for viewing on GauchoCast. If you are not enrolled in the class, it can be rented for a relatively modest fee from YouTube, Amazon, Google, etc.

2) If you have already seen Merchants Of Doubt, please instead watch A Climate of Doubt. It is up on GauchoCast. If you are not enrolled in the class, it currently streams for free directly from PBS.

3) Since we will be considering each in class, feel free to watch both videos.

Film assignment: after watching one of the above films, please watch Ken’s video on YouTube introducing them and comment on his video. Note that while Ken’s introduction covers both of the above films, you only need to comment on the film that you watched. However, if you have already watched Merchants Of Doubt, please feel free to reference it in your comment.

Weekly Assignment/Assessment:

Please note that both the reading and lecture, as well as film, assignments need to be completed by 6 AM on Monday, October 12. GauchoSpace will close the lecture quizzes at that time and any film comment made on YouTube past that point will be considered late.

Reading and Lecture assignment:

After completing the weeks reading and watching each of the two lecture videos, please go to GauchoSpace and take the short quiz on that lecture, which is located in the weekly section.

Film assignment:

Please comment on YouTube on Ken’s video “Intro, Before the Flood and An Inconvenient Sequel.”

Please note, while you can watch this video on this page, you need to go to YouTube to comment in the YouTube comment section.

If YouTube is blocked in your country, Ken’s short talk will also be uploaded to GauchoSpace (GauchoCast) and a forum has been opened under this week on GauchoSpace for you to make your comment there (rather than on YouTube).

Also note that while Ken’s introduction covers both of the above films, you only need to comment on the film that you watched. However, if you have already watched Before the Flood, please feel free to reference it in your comment on An Inconvenient Sequel.

Lecture #5

Lecture #6

Weekly Documentary Introduction

Lecture Prezi